The growing effects of climate change has led forward thinking here at Footstools Direct to source our raw materials from sustainable sources. Organically grown cotton and timber harvested from renewable forests are but two examples of how we are taking responsibility for the future generations.
FSC timber (The Forest Stewardship Council is an international, non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world’s forests) is increasingly used by furniture manufacturers including ourselves. This is to improve our material supply from sustainable sources. Reusable timber is commonplace among frame maker’s output. We take responsibility and we are aware of the environmental cost of expensive and non-bio degradable packaging on our products.
Ethically sourced upholstery is frequently undyed or natural in finish. Thus, the inherent chemical footprint can be avoided and pollution kept to a minimum. Cardboard is preferable to plastic and cotton is favoured ahead of manmade upholstery cover. Ethically sourced leather may be more expensive in the short term but ultimately leads to a sustainable future that benefits us all.
So you are safe to know that here at Footstools Direct we are doing as much as we can to protect the environment!
Buy your ethically made furniture here at Footstools Direct today and minimise your impact on the environment when shopping sustainably.